Independent Patriots for Change
© 2021 by Independent Patriots for Change. Created by CME Marketing
Why we need your help
How often do you get an opportunity to be part of historical change in a country? Namibia is on the brink of major transformation. It is going to happen whether you believe it or not. People are tired of a failing government. You hear it in the cries of children, the whispers on the street and the loud proclamations of patriots. We have to do something. We can no longer stand back and watch the rapid decline of a country we love so dearly. We challenge you to read the Manifesto of the IPC and see why we believe this party is going to save Namibia. If you read it and believe that we can change this corrupt system, then help us by donating funds to the cause. If you don’t agree with the manifesto, please tell us why and help us improve our strategy. If you can’t help us with funding, help us with your expertise or services. We are a young party and we are open to any help or input from the outside. We fight the good fight. Join us and together we can save this Nation!
Donate to help us Change Namibia!
Name: Independent Patriots for Change
Branch: Capricorn Private Wealth
Branch code: 48-41-72
Swift code: BWLINANX
Adress: Box: 7094,Whk,9000
Account number: 8019542293
Cheque Account
Bank Windhoek
Be assured that your money will be used responsibly, and that proper accounting will be done on all funds received and used. As a newly established party, we currently don’t have access to government funding. If You would like the funds to be allocated to a specific cause in IPC kindly indicate that on the reference.
Any amount is welcome, doesn’t matter how small or big.
Name: Independent Patriots for Change
Branch: Capricorn Private Wealth
Branch code: 48-41-72
Swift code: BWLINANX
Adress: Box: 7094,Whk,9000
Account number: 8019542293
Cheque Account
Bank Windhoek
If you require any further information, please get in touch with us at: